
How to clean natural stone and surfaces in general
Articles, news, tips

Welcome to a world of professional advice on cleaning natural stone and interior and exterior surfaces. Every floor, wall or surface not only requires the right products, but also specific techniques and ways of working and maintaining them. Here you’ll find lots of ideas, insights, and tips on how to clean natural stone and other surfaces, even depending on special situations.

Stains on marble: how to remove them

Stains on marble: how to remove them

Stains on marble: how to remove them or, better yet, how to act in time so that the damaging substances do not penetrate too far and we do not need to resort to more intensive and professional and, therefore, inevitably more expensive interventions. Stains on marble...

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How to clean natural stones and how to maintain them over time:
know-how made of experience, professionalism, passion

How to clean natural stone? This is an important question that requires articulate, in-depth, specific answers depending on different surfaces and situations. Natural stones, like any precious material, require specific care in order to preserve their original integrity and make sure to keep their condition as unaltered as possible. In this area of our site, we have decided to devote an informative and illustrative space entirely for those who wish to learn the secrets of cleaning and maintaining natural stones.

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